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Persevere in Your

For God & Country!
Training grassroots America to persevere in their faith, protect their family &
preserve their freedom!


May God bless her!



Intro from Bruce:

Message from Bruce:

Breaking & Entering!

True Protectors Provide Security for Those Under Their Care or Watch

"Breaking into my house, doesn’t make you part of my family! Why does coming into this country illegally make you an immigrant?"

These are the words of a frustrated of the Patriots in our nation that deserves protection by those who are in position to do so! Of course, every decent man or woman in America does what they can to protect their family & their home. It's not just a right they have, but a responsibility. It is the responsibility of adults. 

While young and immature people are more concerned for their rights - the grown ups in the room must remind everyone of their responsibilities. For example, "Son, make sure you lock the doors when you go to bed," says Dad. The boy may consider this an unimportant request so he responds with a "yeah, sure thing, Dad." But, the father knows how significant locking the door truly is. He knows there is evil in the world & therefore safety in the home is imperative.

State & National leaders have been given (& they have accepted) the responsibility to "locking the doors" in our nation. When someone "breaks & enters" my house illegally they have chosen to become a criminal at that point. Same is true with a nation's borders. A criminal acts in his/her own best interest...not the interest of the one they are taking advantage of.

America's border security is essential just like your home security is a non-negotiable! Why? Because there is evil in the world. There are monsters lurking about. The place we & our forefathers have built is a good place. It is worth protecting. God is clear that He not only approves of law & order within a nation, but He ordains it. He has given us the blueprint for local & national security..."punish evil & praise those who do good," 1 Pet. 2:14. Law Enforcement is "the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer," (Rom. 13:4).

Why does God give us this statement? Easy. He knows life is sacred. He knows families are the cornerstone of a society. He knows nations must protect themselves or become overwhelmed with evil. God created beauty. There is beauty in order. There is ugliness in chaos. It really is that simple!




"The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the Word of God...continue therefore to read it & to regulate your life by it's precepts,"
John Jay

First Supreme Court Justice
Founding Father

With Bruce Duty

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