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Wash Out


Our Vision:  An America that is blessed by God because it fears & honors God

Our Mission: To confidently communicate conservative principles that help American Patriots become Warriors & Watchmen that are able to persevere in their faith, protect their families & preserve their freedom

Our Message: The culture war is real & the stakes are high spiritually, socially & politically - this is no time be a spectator, but instead an active participant in the war of good vs. evil

Our Method: Video podcasts (including interviews with grassroots Americans), video messages/devotionals, in-person presentations, seminars/conferences & partnerships with likeminded people/organizations

Persevere in Your Faith

Protect Your Family

Preserve Your Freedom

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Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service - Bruce received BA & M.Div. degrees. He then served as a pastor in both Missouri and Florida. While serving in Florida and during the Surge in 2007 during the Iraq War - Bruce was called to serve God in the military as an active duty Army chaplain.  He served as a chaplain from 2008-2021 with 3rd Infantry DIV, 2nd Infantry DIV, 10th Mountain DIV & at locations like Fort Huachuca, AZ and Fort Hamilton, NYC. Bruce had 2 deployments to Iraq. Bruce retired from military service after 22+ years on active duty in November 2021. Bruce has a deep love for God, His Word, America and serving others. Bruce has a Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Commendation Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal, Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon and more. Bruce & his family live in Boise, Idaho.




Charlie served ExxonMobil for over 30 years. He spent the majority of his time with Exxon in Texas and Montana. He has considered Montana his home for most of his life. He loves the outdoors (skiing, biking, hiking & more), serving others and America’s history and heritage. Charlie thoroughly enjoys serving in men's ministries helping other men become confident in Christ & courageous in their journey. Charlie understands the need for men & women to leave the comfort zones they often find themselves in begin to serve the Lord with all they are. Charlie & his family live in Boise, Idaho.



Jack is a Project Manager for Idaho Power. He has served in that industry for over 30 years. Jack is from California and served at PG&E before moving to Idaho. Jack loves the outdoors - especially, riding motorcycles on back roads. Jack truly appreciates the beauty of God's creation & thoroughly enjoys seeing God at work in this nation he loves. He desires to see men & women set free in Christ. He knows first hand how the devil attacks the truth & seeks to destroy God's people. Jack is a gifted Bible teacher & enjoys serving in men's ministries. Jack & his family live in Boise, Idaho.


Dawn Moore


Dawn has a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Her personal goal is to honor Him in all that she does. Dawn has been in education for over 30 years. She has provided thoughtful & loving care to students with gratitude & generosity. Dawn has contributed to children's ministries in NYC, the music ministry of the Fort Hamilton Chapel & currently  serves the Lord at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Brooklyn. Dawn & her family live in Brooklyn, NY.

Bob Langus


Bob is a US Navy Veteran & is retired from the US Post Office. Bob loves serving in the local church & being available for whatever God calls him to be a part of. Bob has taken several mission trips - his most recent being to Poland. Bob thoroughly enjoys studying & teaching the Bible. Bob is a gifted servant of God. Bob is originally from Chicago & is a huge Bears fan! He also played hockey for several years & is thankful for the lessons that sport has taught him. He also enjoys hiking, golfing & much more. Bob & his family live in Boise, Idaho.


Mark Ligman


Mark is a retired US Navy Aviator. He is also retired from Boeing. Mark loves the Lord Jesus & His church. Mark likes to travel, bike and serve within the local church. Mark is a handyman who is frequently called upon by his friends to assist in home projects. He loves military history & desires that God would revive and restore America to a place that honors the Word of God and obeys Him with joyful service. Mark & his family live in Boise, Idaho.


David Martin


David is a US Navy Veteran & is retired from the US Post Office. David loves the Lord Jesus & enjoys being in Bible study with other Christian men. David loves playing guitar & singing...he is currently serving in their local church as a worship/music director. David enjoys serving in men's ministry & wants to see God move mightily in America. David & his family live in Southern Indiana with his family.



  • Why the name CrossCountry3?
    The meaning behind the name, CC3: The Cross of Christ is the only place where men & women are truly reconciled to God Country - America’s beginnings were shaped by godly & good virtue 3 The following biblical truths are essential to our lives: -God is in 3 Persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit -Jesus Christ was raised from the dead after 3 days -Faith, family & freedom are 3 areas being assaulted today -God designs & equips us mentally, physically & spiritually (3)
  • What are your core beliefs and values?
    Our Core Beliefs & Values God is holy and perfect in all His attributes; He exists in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit Jesus Christ is coequal and coeternal with God, the Father; He was virgin born - God incarnate; He lived a sinless life, died to redeem man, was raised literally/physically and will return to receive His church The Bible is God's written revelation to man; it is verbally inspired and inerrant in the original documents; it is the onlv infallible rule of faith and practice Man is created in God's image and his purpose is to glorify God in all he does; man is sinful by nature Salvation is provided by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior The church is made up of all believers who have placed their faith in Christ as their only hope of salvation; are thus, filled with the Holy Spirit; is one united spiritual body and as the bride of Christ - is awaiting His return; in the mean time - the church is commissioned to make disciples; pastors/shepherds/elders must teach & lead with conviction & courage to protect & provide for the church All of life is significant, worthy of value & protection - from the pre-born to the elderly Abortion is a sin against God, the Creator of life Marriage is between one man and one woman Homosexuality, transgenderism, LGBTQ+ is a sin - an affront to God's design & will There are only two genders: Male & Female God is the builder & protector of nations; God has provided the blueprint for what a nation's government has as it's purpose: essentially, to protect the good & punish evil; "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," America has at it's core a Christian beginning - from the Pilgrims on the Mayflower to our Founding Fathers to our founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights - America was fundamentally established by godly men & women
  • What is your objective?
    Our objective is simple…helping you live confidently & courageously in a world gone mad! We can do that by strengthening your faith, family & freedom. We want to help you be the Warrior & Watchman God called you to be!
  • How can I get Bruce or another speaker to come to our location?
    Simply go to the “Schedule” link at the top of the page and then follow the suggested guidelines. Thank You!
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