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Coliseum World

A Poem by Nick Falsetti

Our Creator is a Loving God, He is for you and not against you

Holy, Righteous, Faithful, and Immutable… He is Good

His character is pure and He always speaks truth to His children

We are fallen, born of a sinful nature and separated from our Father

Long ago, our God-given dominion of this world

Was usurped by the evil one

Adam and Eve gave themselves over to his serpentine lies

They listened to his words and were beguiled to follow in his path

Though God in Heaven our Creator

Created mankind in His image

And the Lord walked together with His beloved

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

But they did not trust Him and heed His warning of death

They put themselves above God and sinned

From the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

They ate the forbidden fruit

Sin and death entered the world and mankind fell from God’s Glory

The evil one rages in the hearts of men to turn them from God's Love

Corrupt, miserable, and despicable, he is the son of perdition

For he is a liar, a thief, a murderer… and he lusts to steal God's Glory

That day in the Garden, sin and death entered the world by one man

Death invaded by Adam’s passivity to rule and be obedient to God

And another, Jesus… hung on a tree till He cried out It Is Finished”

He tore the veil in victory to raise mankind back to life with God again

Satan was stricken from heaven for his sin and hurled down like lightning

Our adversary and accuser is lawless, he comes upon us in the dark

The beast roams about the world looking for whom he can devour

Thumbs up, thumbs down, life or death an illusion for the spiritually dead

The temporary emperor of this world grovels in the dust

Insatiable is his desire to satisfy his ignoble pride

He has rigged all the games in this world of chaos to subvert the truth

And batters about mankind in deception, lies, and false idols

His stain renders disease, hatred, slavery, genocide, murder, war, and death

The world he manipulates to steal, kill, and destroy mankind

The evidence of his evil and the insidious decay of sin surrounds us

Lend your ear to hear the Gospel Truth and see the Coliseum

For in this life the true battle is for the dead to be awakened

Frantically we battle to exist one more day in this world at war

A spiritual battle wages forth between Good and evil for our souls

A cosmic conflict… unquenchable Love – verse despicable jealous hate

To keep mankind in the dark and not see the Light of Christ

Pagan fan and pagan gladiator alike are void of God's Grace

Both by default are heathens deceived and in the throes of death

And the beast roars… ready to devour another soul in his Coliseum

How my soul yearned to be set free of sin and judgment

So weary were my bones of putting on a show for my spectator pride

Yet I ran my chariot around and round, the track of the Coliseum

Conforming to the world’s fallen culture, till I dared to turn from sin

Doubting God, I was ruled by fear and shackled to the enemy

The Mercy of our Good Father has made provision to redeem us

Only by the Blood of Christ can we escape sins enslavement

Jesus came and declared the truth to mankind… to have Faith in God

The day I heard the Gospel Truth… I prayed to God in repentance

For the Love of Christ and His Good News took hold of me

From His Grace our Lord sacrificed Himself for man, you and I

Death’s residence has lost its claim on me, for Salvation I have gained

Born again in Christ, I have been set free of sins tyranny

No longer is my soul occupied by the strongman of this world

For I belong to another… the victor “Christ” who has claimed my soul

God’s Holy Spirit now resides in me and by His Power I live

And this world of evil, corruption, sin and death, is going away

To be replaced by a new Earth undefiled and God's Righteousness

Come Judgment Day, every knee will bow and every tongue

Will confess… to the King, Jesus Christ

Whether it be today or tomorrow, saint and pagan alike

Will descend the Coliseum steps for death has entered this world

Examine the truth, one has been reborn into true life, the other not

Will you choose to continue on imprisoned - spiritually dead?

Chasing false idols of the world and temporary pleasures of sin?

That will only endure to the “End of Days,” but creates today a chasm between you and God

Will you remain in your sin and perish alone to eternal damnation

Yet, in this moment… you live this day but a breath away from God’s Grace or death

Or, choose this day to respond to the passion of the One True God

Your Savior… His Love that woes you night and day, to claim your freedom in Him

And turn to the His Light and see the Truth

Gaining everlasting life in Jesus Christ our Glorious King… Amen



More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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