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Go it alone...if necessary!

Team and unit cohesiveness is great! But, sometimes courageously standing for truth requires going it alone...

Difficult days are not easy for anyone. Especially, when you are standing on biblical convictions amidst a culture that seems to swallow up all those who were once standing with you. Yet, it is in these challenging times that we find fertile ground for own growth and development. Yes, gaining counsel from others often yields tremendous rewards. However, hitting the road less traveled may be the most rewarding times for you physically, mentally and spiritually. It is in these rich moments of listening and learning that you gain better self-awareness, renewed purpose and most importantly a deeper reliance on God and His faithfulness.

When it appears that all others have abandoned reality, it is essential that you move forward by faith. Genuine faith will inevitably be put to the test. If you cannot walk with others on that still must continue. Even if others believe you are too "old school" or "out of touch," you cannot give up. Standing your ground concerning godly convictions is non-negotiable in living a victorious life. Otherwise, you just follow the crowd. Subsequently, the longer you follow the crowd - the deeper into the forest you go. Consequently, it will be more difficult to get back out of the dense trees.

Having someone on our "side" or walking beside us is a wonderful feeling. But, it's just that, a feeling - IF you are not grounded in truth. In other words, don't be a part of the crowd that is going along just to get along. Yes, many people will crowd around an idea or a person...but, that does not mean it is a good idea or even a good person. Each idea and/or person must still pass the litmus test. Does the idea or he/she honor God? Help grow and develop people? Offer a real solution? If something or someone is not aligned with the standards of God - you and I must be willing to go it alone! Remember the words the great hymn concerning the Lord Jesus, "He walks with me and He talks with me along life's narrow way..."

I remember a particular situation with a team member whom I asked about his intentions during a significant crisis we were going through. I asked, "Do you believe the crowd's accusations are true?" His response, "Bruce, they (the crowd) are my friends...we've known each other a long time." End of statement. Subsequently, he turned and walked away. He knew his friends were making unsubstantiated claims. His friends were okay making accusations that made a devastating impact on others. My teammate chose friendship over truth. He was unwilling to go it alone. The result had disastrous consequences...for a lot of people. Truth matters. Standards matter.

The Bible gives us examples of people who were courageous enough to go against the tide. For example, Noah (no one else would listen), Joseph (social isolation and false imprisonment), Moses (time alone as a shepherd and time alone with God), Elijah (cried out to God while isolated on Mount Horeb),

John the Baptist and John the Disciple (alone with God in the wilderness; banished to the island of Patmos). And of course, Jesus (alone in the desert, tempted by Satan; alone in the garden; alone and forsaken on the cross).

Living in community with good and godly people in your life is a treasure to be guarded! Enjoying rich fellowship is necessary to your growth as well as that of others...ministering to one another and bearing one another's burdens. Having strong relationships with like-minded people honors God. But, do not speed your way through those moments of silence and solitude when they come your way due to others fleeing while you were fighting the good fight. Slow down and ask God to refresh and revive you. It's not easy to stand alone when others have left you to join the crowd. More often than not it is draining...physically, mentally and spiritually.

That is why prayer, Bible reading and reflection are so important at this time. Since God knows exactly where you are. He knows your GPS coordinates. You do not have to put out a navigational beacon to draw God's attention...He already knows. Surrender to His loving care. Relish the moments of time alone with God. Especially, since you took a stand in light of His truths and promises - which means He has more for you to do (and be).

Yes, indeed...God is not through with you yet! This solitude is preparation time for the next milestone in your faith. There are more giants to be defeated. There are more battles to fight. You being willing to stand alone when others fled the scene is opening the door for more adventures. God is strengthening you. Be patient. Be joyful. Be at peace. Be faithful. Maintain self-control and self-discipline during this chapter in your life.

So, like those biblical heroes of the faith (mentioned earlier) that stood up when others stood're not really alone! Yes, it may seem like it. But, the reality is He "will never leave you nor forsake you." Thank God that He gave you the strength to stand alone...then thank Him for walking with you and talking with you. The road less traveled really is a marvelous road! Blessings and keep standing firm in the faith!




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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