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Good vs. Evil: A Brief Analysis of the War Between Israel & Hamas

The terrorist organization named Hamas attacked Israel on Saturday, October 7th. They did so by unleashing a full-fledged assault on the Jewish state of Israel. At the time of this writing - at least 1,000 Israelis have been brutally murdered! The attack was unwarranted. The assault was targeted. The results are devastating.

Make no mistake this was an assault on the sovereignty of God! The enemies of God have always been preoccupied with defaming the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those who oppose the Lord God refuse to surrender to the truth that God has a chosen people. They are infuriated at the identity of any people or nation that are called by His name. Israel is that people. Of course, the church - those who are born-again in Christ Jesus; forgiven of their sins; filled with His Spirit...are His people, as well. And, evil continues to attack the church and any nation that exalts the Lord. Satan and his allies hate the One True God!

There are 22 Arab nations that are in favor of obliterating the nation of Israel. They do not event want Israel to exist. Israel is just one small nation, at that. Israel, on the other hand, are in favor of other nations (even their enemies) existing. Israel does not start wars, but they do end them! Israel is trying to exist amidst an onslaught of evil perpetuated by Arab and Muslim nations surrounding them that wishes all Israelis were dead. In fact, the day after Israel was declared a nation by the UN in 1948 they were attacked by the nations surrounding them - hoping to kill off all of Israel.

The Jewish state of Israel has given away land to the Egypt (the Sinai Peninsula) the Palestinians (the West Bank and Gaza) for the purpose of building or keeping peace. Their reward? Suicide bombers sent to kill the Jews. What is the motto of Hamas? "We love death as much as the Jews love life." The only "state" to occupy that geographical piece of land is Jewish (3x). No Muslim, Arab or any other state has occupied that land. Yet, those 22 nations want Israel defeated and destroyed into non-existence.

What is happening today in the Middle East is consistent with what has occurred in the past. There is nothing new under the sun - it has always been good vs. evil. However, matters have certainly intensified with this latest onslaught. Women and child have been murdered by Hamas. Many Jewish babies have been intentionally killed. Chillingly...many of those babies had their heads cut off.

The unfathomable violence perpetrated by Hamas is an affront to the Sovereign Lord and an absolute invasion on the sanctity of human life. Any church leader, government leader, ministry leader, etc. that does not speak out against this travesty is foolish. To say nothing is surrender position. To refuse to address the abhorrent behavior of the evil in our world is to submit to apathy, lack of conviction, weakness and more. It is an embarrassment!

This most recent strike on Israel is not difficult to understand. The media and the elite want to make it complicated. Stop listening to those who make the simplicity of life and death, good vs. evil, faith, family and freedom complicated, convoluted and confusing. The nation of Israel lives in a land provided to them thousands of years ago. God's chosen people...whom God still has a plan for - are residing the the land chosen for them. Just because they are surrounded by evildoers who have much larger land areas and many resources does not mean they have a right to Israel's land.

The Palestinians and all the others want Israel obliterated. They challenge the very Word of God. Sound familiar? They defy the sovereignty of God. Sound familiar? They plot and plan to destroy the work of God. Sound familiar? Apathy and/or pretending this evil does not exist is a travesty. Warriors and Watchmen do not live that way! Warriors and Watchmen are like sheepdogs...protecting the sheep! They have vision. They are vigilant. They expect victory.

Very few Christians live in Israel - we are scattered around the world. But, we know of that blessed Holy Land. It is the land of God's "chosen people" Israel. It is the place where David reigned. More significantly, it is the land of our Savior - the Lord Jesus. It is where the church has it's genesis. It is where Satan tried to destroy Jesus and His victorious work. It is where demons tried to destroy the church as it was growing and making a difference. It has always been a land of persecution, perseverance and promise!

So, when it comes to good and evil...what side are you on? Perhaps more importantly, what will you do about it?




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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