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Indifference is a Poison!

Indifference is more than just leads to cowardice.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference," Sir Maximillian Kolbe. I believe this statement is true for any generation physically, mentally and spiritually. Unfortunately, the good and comfortable times our generation has enjoyed for decades has led to a love affair with comfort. Comfort leads to indifference. Indifference leads to cowardice.

However, I am convinced that many in America are waking up from their slumber. I just hope it is not too late. Men and women across our land are realizing that evil has infiltrated our systems. As a result Patriots are becoming more involved locally and nationally. Parents are taking a larger role in educating and training their children. Additionally, they are becoming more involved in school boards. Many are newly dedicated to local and national politics. They are paying more attention to policies that affect both them and their neighbors. Yes, there is hope! How about you? Have you become mesmerized within your comfort zone?

Here are three suggestions for you:

First, Recall Your Purpose! You and those around you have been created in the image of God. Our life here is not accidental. Nor, is it incidental. You not only have have dignity. The Bible says that God's calling on you and His gifts to you are "irrevocable," (Rom. 11:29). He created and commissioned you for a purpose. And, He has not retrieved those from you. The Apostle Paul said you were created for "good works," (Eph. 2:10). This ought to inspire you!

Second, Recover Your Passion! This life is best lived with zest, gusto and adventure. Challenge yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Begin growing through whatever it is that you are going through. Start right where you are at. Overcome those fears and anxieties. Do not let the Goliath in your life have control over your territory any longer! Ask God to help you have a robust faith and a ready focus. Exercise mentally, physically and spiritually with diligence and determination. A person in action is ready to engage where the battle needs you most.

Third, Reconnect with Your Priorities! Remember when God was first in your life? Then other people or things began to take first place in your heart and mind. Well, reconnect with God by renewing your faith in Him and His Word. Trust me..."Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added to you" (Matt. 6:33) is true! Once your surrender to the Lord - love Him and others - you will gain perspective and know where and how to get busy serving. Once your priorities are in alignment you become convicted for being indifferent or apathetic. You see it for the poison it truly is! Indifference hurts you and society at large.

Brother and Sister, there is a war going on! Will you start telling the truth wherever you are? Will you help us make truth-telling popular again? This is the biggest need of our time! Our comforts and small cares have consumed us. It made it easy for us to have a "It doesn't matter" or "Who cares?" kind of attitude. This indifferent attitude has put us into a deep sleep while the enemy has slithered his way into camp.

"If faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," (Rom. 10:17) then we know two things from this. First, faith in God is important to God. Second, in order for people to have faith they need to hear the truth. Thus, we should be those truth-tellers while we still have breath. Let's tell others that God is Creator, man is a sinner, Satan is a liar, Jesus is the Savior, heaven is real and so is hell, the Bible is God's instruction book; governments and societies matter, families matter, nations matter, borders matter, security matters, life and dignity matter, hard work matters, breaking the law matters, disobedience matters, sinful selfish pride matters, judgment matters and so much more. If we do not make these truths clear...who will? If not now...when?

Friend, refuse to drink the poison of indifference any longer. By the way, you do not have to be perfect to engage in this battle. Abraham, Moses, David, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Paul, Peter, James were all in the same club we are in...the "we are all sinners club." Yet, they fought the good fight. They got into the arena. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Jay, Lewis, Clark, Crockett, Bowie, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan were all in the same club. Aren't you glad they were not indifferent to the challenges they faced? Yeah, me too!!




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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