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Reality & Truth...


By Nicholas Falsetti


The sun rises, the sun sets

The ocean tide ebbs in, the ocean tide ebbs out

The seasons come, the seasons go

All bring forth their tidings and sustain life

This is our world and the Bible calls it Creation

And man has created his own antithesis and calls it Evolution

And the question arises

How, what, when, where, and why

The prevalent culture embraces

What is called, the “Scientific Method”

To make sense of it all

But who is the true author of this scientific method?

Man takes credit

Yet, is it really, he?

It states…we should examine what is observable

Forming a hypothesis

Put it to the test, experiment

And then weigh out the evidence

Have you sought out the truth to a sound conclusion?

And examined honestly without bias the evidence?

Can you deny

What is self-evident

The sun, the moon, the universe

This earth, plants, trees, fish, birds, and animals

Air, water, fire, and sustenance

And you…yourself

All designed and knitted together miraculously

To form and complete

An entire living eco-system

That sustains your physical being

The whole of everything provided for your very existence


Now ponder the reality of which all has been created

Let us first examine the order of our solar system

Planetary bodies anchored beyond themselves

To comply and follow astrophysical forces

That hold them in relative orbits to one another

The placement of our earth, the moon, and the sun

A precision so exact that without, the conditions for life on earth would not exist

Now let’s consider our own physical bodies, the firm foundation of your own DNA

Yes, the same DNA that contains the genetic code and instructions for us to exist

Nucleic Acid that gives order to the metabolism and reproduction of our cells

The production of proteins that all living organisms need to grow and reproduce

Order…is a recurring theme here of DNA and all of life is dependent upon it

You and I, would not be alive but for the all processes of our organs

At this very moment functioning in order and working synergistically together for our good


Many people have been taught and believe Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution”

This theory propagates everything came from nothing by evolution over time

No God, no morality, no intentional thought, no order, just random chance

The yardstick for Evolution hangs in the past upon unmeasurable presumptions

For not a single documented case for a change of species has been observed

People believing as truth something which has nothing for examined evidence

Has anything ever been conceived or created without any intentional thought?


And now consider this, “Good and Evil,” man acknowledges both exist

Yet, “Evolution” denies there is any intelligent order nor existent morality at work

If “Evolution” is true, mankind is reduced to a computerized mechanism with flesh

How does man have a conscience to be cognizant of good and evil?

Why do we all desire innocence and yet we all have experienced guilt?

Why is survival of the fittest and most dominant not prevalent and at work?

Because people of all societies establish laws and courts that enforce morality

The law of God etched into man’s heart, contrary to “Evolution” …yet undeniable

If you believe Evolution is true, how do you answer this question

Why does each person desire to be loved, told the truth, and respected?

Unless a supernatural Creator of the heavens, earth, man, and all of creation

Ordained it to be so…and has given man freewill for love to exist

Whether we endorse a belief in Creation or argue against it

There is a written testament we have all heard and some proclaim…called the Bible

Within the pages of Genesis are the written answers for all of mankind

”We are created in God’s image” “Freewill” “Love” “Good and Evil” “the Fall” and “Truth”

Yet, of their own freewill choice Adam and Eve, were deceived by the serpent

And ate from “the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”

Sin and death entered the world and mankind’s innocence was lost


The Bible is the inspired word of God written by man, authored by God to mankind

Historically there is no literary equivalent to the Bible, nothing else comes close

A book of sixty-six chapters, written over a span of approximately two millennium

Forty different authors all cohesively telling the greatest love story ever told

God, creation, man, angels, demons, sin, death, prophecy, and Christ resurrected

And if we use what experts use to authenticate the reliability of a book

Textual criticism…the Bible is leap years ahead of any other book ever written

It is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament

All of time and God’s written word are both delineated by the birth of Christ

B.C. for “Before Christ” and A.D. for “Anno Domini,” or "in the year of our Lord"

Time, creation, and God’s word all measured and recorded upon one man…Jesus

Does this happen by coincidence and random chance, no intentional order?


Jesus Christ, the Son of God came to earth and sacrificed Himself to save mankind

Before Pontus Pilate, Jesus answered, “…I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”

And Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him.”

Jesus was crucified and from midday noon until three, darkness covered the earth

And Jesus cried out,” My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

And then again in a loud voice He cried out “it is finished” and gave up His Spirit

At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom

The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open

The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life

The centurion was terrified and exclaimed “Surely he was the Son of God!”

And witnessed by many on the third day Jesus Christ was resurrected back to life

After Jesus’ resurrection the holy people raised to life came out of their tombs

And they went into the Holy City and appeared to many people

For all who believe in the name of God’s Son and receive Him as their Lord

Jesus Christ our Messiah…have overcome the world, sin, and death

As prophesized in the Bible, God’s word fulfilled in its appointed time


But if you stand autonomous of God and deny the evidence

Will your very thoughts not be in a state of chaos?

And the truth though observable, known, and written

You will not see, know, or obtain

For if your reality is not grounded in the truth

You may want to ask yourself…have I been deceived?


The evidence points us to a testament by God…of and from the truth

And the good Lord tells us, creation manifest by His word

Both what is observable by man, self-evident, and the Bible…God’s word tells us so

God alone, judged all was good that He created

And if we don’t allow any skewing or perversion of the scientific method

An undeniable truth emanates from our observations of the evidence

To this conclusion…that a supernatural and omniscient being

Outside the containment of time and space

Wholly created mankind, earth, the cosmos, and all we know

Creation…first it was conceived, then given birth by intentional, intelligent design

All of Creation and mankind, born from out of the Lord’s infinite love


And now may you be blessed with the wisdom of God’s word and His Holy Spirit

For desire to well up inside of you to turn to God and receive His vast love for you

Whom He created in His image and to be in loving relationship with Him

For He offers to all His love, His grace, and life abundant

An unimaginable inheritance from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

True life with God, your Creator…in His Kingdom





More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


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