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SGT York...American Hero!

A story of American ingenuity, courage and conviction! Now, it's your turn...

On October 8th, 1918, United States Army Corporal Alvin C. York killed over 20 German soldiers and captured an additional 130+ at the head of a small detachment in the Argonne Forest near the Meuse River in France during WWI.

This remarkable bravery later earned York the Medal of Honor (York was one of the most decorated soldiers of WWI). Of course, his heroism during the war became the basis for the very popular movie, Sergeant York, where he was portrayed by Hollywood legend, Gary Cooper. Later in his life, York created a school for underprivileged children in rural Tennessee. He was a servant at heart! Upon York’s death in 1964, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson called him “a symbol of American courage and sacrifice” who epitomized “the gallantry of American fighting men and their sacrifices on behalf of freedom.”

Interestingly, Alvin York, due to religious convictions, went into WWI as a conscientious objector. This was due to the teachings of the Church of Christ teachings his family received when he was growing up in rural Tennessee. Like many young people, Alvin York got himself into trouble on occasion as a young boy and teenager. Yet, it was still important to him to retain the religious convictions that had been instilled in him

So, it was a big change of mind and heart when he began reading the Bible more and more only to discover that his religious convictions concerning being a conscientious objector were contrary to what he believed God was saying in Scripture. He began to believe that he could serve both God AND his country as a soldier fighting the enemies of good and freedom. York no longer saw any inconsistency in fighting enemies of freedom while in uniform. He believed that America was indeed fighting a good fight...therefore, he felt compelled to take up arms and join his brothers on the front lines. America should be grateful that he did!

Today, it would be helpful if the church engaged the enemy on the front lines! The battle for truth has already's time for truth warriors to get to the front lines. Sitting back comfortably with your cup of coffee while watching others fight the good the good fight is the coward's way out. Doing nothing but pointing out the wrongs in the world is akin to those who claim to be in the good fight for truth, but instead have succumbed to the pressure of the crowd or pleasure of appeasement. They have joined the ranks of those who undermine faith, family and freedom!

Prophets or teachers of old were commissioned by God to call their people, cultures and nations to repentance of sin. Failure to do so resulted either in their own painful experience or the painful experiences of the people. Why would teachers/leaders do that? Simple. Comfort and lack of courage! It's hard work to engage in spiritual warfare. It is demanding to discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness in a dark world. To do so, the teacher, pastor, leader must deny himself and follow the way of the cross (humble, repentant human beings who submit and surrender to God). This is essential to growth and change!

I'm going to get personal in this paragraph: The rise in crime in America's cities and streets is NOT my fault or the fault of law enforcement officers and store owners. It is the fault of the sinners (thieves, murderers, muggers, etc.) who commit these crimes. It is NOT my fault or the fault of our church that young boys and girls are confused about gender and relationships. It is the fault of the parents, teachers and administrators who intentionally put these boys and girls in an environment that causes chaos in impressionable hearts and minds. It is NOT my fault or the fault of our founding fathers that America's borders are being overrun by people who show no respect or regard for our national laws, values and morals. It is the fault of those who perpetuate an open border and those who act independently of their conscience in breaking our laws and disrespecting our people. Personally, I have had enough of good people being blamed for the sins and crimes of others. Personal responsibility is a non-negotiable to a culture or nation in regards to moral and spiritual health and well-being!

A weak man who will not engage in the current battle of good vs. evil and thus contributes to a weak family and community. An emasculated church that will not fight the good fight vs. the evil one ultimately contributes to weak-minded churchgoers. A society that exists because of it's good laws, national borders and a system that has been led by decent, moral leaders that begins to deny it's responsibility to honor those who have gone before them AND serve the current citizenry...and instead yield to anyone and everyone who claims victimhood and those who intentionally seek to do harm to that very no longer a healthy and safe society. If godly virtues and values have been disregarded by a people...God's judgment is coming (if not already here). God expects much to those who have been given or blessed with much!

If you're a your Bible and follow pastors who have proven to be tried and true in the fight for truth and freedom (as opposed to those who are more entertainer than shepherd and those who are more interested in home-building than holiness). Additionally, as an American citizen...honor those who came before you. Respect your elders. Also, stop asking children to teach you! You are supposed to be teaching the children. Yielding to the views of young people who have not been anywhere or done anything is absurd. Yet, that is what many Americans are doing. Raise your children, not revere them. You are supposed to lead them...not, them you!

Maybe these steps will assist you...

First, understand that you live on a battleground. If you still believe that this is a are totally disengaged or lost. It is very evident that the forces of evil are running loose. It is also obvious that you have a role to play. The Bible says that Satan has been ultimately defeated, but today he still deceives people into believing he is an angel of light. So, the master of deception is up to his old tricks. Readiness and preparedness are a requirement!

Second, pick up your weapon. If you are a believer and an American, there is no more critical time than now to pick up your weapon - Scripture. Not science, philosophy or politics. America is under attack like no other time since our beginning. People are unashamedly perverting the truth of the gospel. Some are brazenly perverting the minds of our children, schools and churches with drag queens, transgenderism and more. Houses of learning have become Houses of Losing! Educational institutions have lost their way and changed their purpose. They are being destroyed by attacks that include the devastating impact of Critical Race Theory thoughts and practices. Additionally, Houses of worship have become Houses of Worry! Churches worry about who may be offended: homosexuals, minorities, illegals, criminals and more. The answer to these problems: the truth of God's Word.

Third, begin talking. Engage conversations with deep subjects of importance. Be prepared to speak truth in love. Pray for people that they may listen and learn. If you are a parent, teacher, pastor...lead! That is your job! Stop giving in...and instead, follow God's uncompromising Word. Be the leader and guide you are supposed to be. Do not find comfort being on the sidelines anymore.

SGT York knew that prayer and giving comfort to others in need was significant. But, he also learned there was more to be done...especially, when lives were on the line. So, compelled by God...he engaged. Friend, people's lives are at stake. The health of today's church is at stake. The existence of our nation as we know at stake. So, grab your weapon and move (and pray as you do)!




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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