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The Answer to Anxiety

Worry and anxiety are hindrances to a healthy life...

Goals and ambitions are thwarted when we allow worry or anxiety to consume us. Instead of controlling our thoughts...our thoughts end up controlling us! The result: being mentally, physically and spiritually unfit.

Being anxious about matters destroys inner peace and disturbs personal relationships. Perpetual worry robs us of relaxing and enjoying the moment. It is enjoying the moment that actually brings contentment and overall good health. Physicians routinely remind us that more than half their patients would not need to be seen if not for the anxiety that is consuming them...causing all kinds of mental unhappiness and physical ailments. There is a better way...

First, know the value of being content. Fear, guilt, shame, anger may all be part of being anxious. Yet, contentment can address each of these "monsters" in our life. Are you afraid that your job is not safe? Are you fearful that the future is not secure? Perhaps you experience guilt and shame over something you did? You wonder if someone will find out. Or, maybe bitterness and resentment have taken up residence in your heart?

Regardless what the monster is...finding contentment is non-negotiable in living a peaceful life! You feel all bottled up like there is no way out, but there is! You may feel like you cannot rise above or overcome the situation you have found yourself in, but you can. It may seem like you have no control, but you do!

Your problem allows you to learn patience. Your disappointments may lead to a more disciplined lifestyle. The horror you may feel today because your anxiety gives opportunity for humility to expand.

Therefore, learn to be content! Whatever situation you find yourself the goodness of God and your own personal growth. You do not have to be in control of everything to be happy. Find contentment in knowing you are created in the image of God. Rediscover the joy in knowing whatever you are experiencing is not a surprise to God, but instead may be what He is using to shape and mold you. Learn to be content!

Second, power up! Power up your relationships by being around and learning from those who model the kind of life you want. Take someone to lunch and learn from them how they overcome their struggles. This is a pivotal step in reducing anxiety. Unfortunately, too many people continue to hang around other people who drag them down through their own anxious lifestyle. These people can be complainers, whiners, pessimists and worry about everything. Remember, "Bad company corrupts good morals," (1 Corinthians 15:33).

Also, power up your free time. Use your time wisely when you are not working or taking care of others (children, etc.). Again, it is unfortunate that so many people refuse to take healthy steps to physical, mental and spiritual health! Make sure you are getting enough sleep...learn to breathe and relax properly. Meditate on Scripture regularly. When you meditate on God's Word you allow the profound truth of Scripture to soothe your soul! It reminds you of His greatness. It also reminds you that He is in complete control...nothing catches God off guard!

If you have a lot of work to do coming up - use your down time to calendar items or plan ahead. Just jot a few things down on paper or on your laptop. Perhaps you can list what needs to take place or what steps you need to take. Then put it all aside only to be picked up when the new week begins. You will have already pointed out the key components of the week and when you begin to take action you will already have a head start!

Friend, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer..." Apostle Paul (Philippians 4:6). He had learned to be content and also how to devote himself and his concerns to the One who controls the heaven and earth. So, most importantly...pray! Talk to God. Listen to God. "Cast your cares on Him..." Why? Because "He cares for you," (1 Peter 5:7).

Speaking of which...I'm praying for you dear brother or sister!




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


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Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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