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The Best Things in the Worst Times!

It's time to wake up from our Rip Van Winkle slumber & embrace what is best, today!

In the midst of chaos in England and also in the churches of England during the 17th Century a church building was built with this inscription, "In the year of 1653, when all things sacred were throughout the nation destroyed or profaned, this church was built to the glory of God by Robert Shirley, whose singular praise it was to have done the best things in the worst times."

King Charles I had been executed. Oliver Cromwell had begun targeting the churches in England...removing baptismals, discrediting pastors and much more. The times were tough. However, even in the dark days of that nation and the churches within that proud country - a man by the name of Robert Shirley stood strong! Much like the day in which we live - these days can certainly seem very dark because of the lack of integrity, low quality leadership and courage seems to be missing in action - someone must stand firm with both courage and conviction.

Charles Dickens' classic, The Tale of Two Cities, begins with this line, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." Well, in 2023 we should be grateful for the many good things...churches, hospitals, schools, transportation, jobs, and for many of us - comfortable homes. It's as if these are the best of times. In contrast, we also have politicians proven to be untrustworthy; school leadership that can be very unreliable; violent crime running rampant in our big cities; America's borders are insecure; and most importantly, the assault on truth is unrelenting! Indeed, it's as if these are the worst of times.

So, what shall we do? What are the best things in the worst times?

First, we must Exalt the Savior! Like Robert Shirley...we must not give up on worship. God is always looking for "worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth" (John 4:23). We are all created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). We have this unique privilege to praise Him, serve Him, give to Him and surrender to Him. In difficult times we must do the "best things." Since we were not only created in His image, but also for His glory...worship of the Savior is best!

In Psalm 73, David is describing his thoughts concerning the wicked who seemed to be thriving during dark days. Then, in v.17, "Until I entered God's sanctuary; then I understood their end." David was having a difficult time reconciling the perceived "good life" of those who did evil while those who did what was right in God's eyes seemed to be having all the bad times. However, when he went to worship God...things became clear.

Don't give up on worship! Make sure you are in a healthy church that praises the Lord and teaches biblically sound doctrine. Together, believers in Christ must not surrender to the trends of the day. Skipping the worship of our Lord has a devastating effect on the individual and the culture. Instead, be intentional about preparing your heart for praise and worship. Then, along with your brothers and sisters you will find ways to exercise your gifts in serving God. This, too, is worshiping or exalting the Savior.

Second, Equip the Saints! Pastors, teachers & leaders all have a responsibility to equip those they are serving/leading. People need to be fed and led. Subsequently, they are able to stand strong themselves and be a part of the solution by serving, giving and building their own teams/ministries. Every believer in Christ has been given one or more gift(s) by God through the Holy Spirt. Elders, pastors, teachers and leaders should be intentional about building up the body (Ephesians 4:11-16).

Of course, this requires hard work. Aiding others to grow in the faith is not easy. Sometimes leaders have to get into the nitty-gritty of life in order to equip those around them. But, it is essential that leaders help the people they serve in order to identify their own sins and shortcomings. In the end...the result is men and women who are mature enough to withstand the arrows flung by the evil one. God's desire is that His people become mature in the faith and mature in life. Equipping the saints is a non-negotiable during difficult days like ours!

Third, Extend Our Reach to Sinners! Jesus gave both the disciples and the church the Great Commission ("Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19). That commission given by the Lord has not been made null and void. In fact, it may be needed today as much as anytime in history. Jesus, Himself, came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). He is still in the business of saving lives. And, get this...He does His best work during dark and difficult days!

If we really want to be His hands and feet - our hands and feet will get dirty. While serving in the Army I would often hear someone say, "The Army is an outdoor sport!" Each soldier should expect that he or she will be getting dirty, filthy, weary and exhausted. In the same manner, each Christian should expect to get in the trenches with a lost world...not in order to be like them. Instead, to lovingly speak the truth in a confused culture requires sacrifice. It's time we get out of our comfort zone and into the "fight." We must be aware that what we are in now is spiritual warfare. So, let's let our light shine in this dark world by extending our reach to sinners!

Exalt, equip and extend...these are the best things in the worst times! We cannot lose sight of the main things...especially, when there is so much at stake. Do not settle for what is good. God has already prescribed for us what the best is. So, in these "worst times" in which we live let's follow God's plan for staying the course. There is much in today's world that can distract us - let's "Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2).




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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