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The Big Four!

The fascinating history of the United States of America often begins with our reflection on the three documents that serve as our foundation: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America and The Bill of Rights! It is paramount to know these three documents in order to understand who we are and what is our purpose and privilege, as Americans!

However, we often forget the fourth document that was instrumental in our genesis as a nation, The Mayflower Compact! While predating our founding documents by over 150 years...this document is a marvelous example of why our nation has been so richly blessed. Unfortunately, it is often over-looked or just plain forgotten. Yet, it's impact on our faith, family and freedom is monumental.

The Mayflower Compact's impact on our society is one that should be told and retold! It is essential in understanding the Christian influence on this great nation. To fully absorb the positive impact America has had on the world - a reflection on The Mayflower Compact is non-negotiable! It is core to our history and heritage!

Before disembarking the Mayflower, Pilgrims wrote this covenant as a statement of both purpose and privilege. Facing an uncertain, but optimistic future they penned, "In the name of God, Amen...For the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian plant the first the presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid." These words give us a glimpse into the passion and perseverance of our ancestors.

They were PASSIONATE about the glory of God in this new land. Their passion for the beauty and honor of God is inspirational. The Pilgrims did not see their faith in Christ as just a personal relationship, but a submission to His wonder, will and way. Their passion for God included serving Him with faithful obedience in their faith, families and their new found freedom! This passion has resonated for generations of Americans and has positively impacted the world for good!

They also PERSEVERED through the struggles they faced in England and also in crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Their goal was to land in Northern Virginia, but storms caused the Mayflower to hit shore in Plymouth, Massachusetts. From here they sought to live for the "general good of the colony." They endeavored to reach the New World with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Subsequently, to have an ordered and free society to live a life consistent with Scripture.

Are you living with passion and perseverance, today? Read Psalm 103 in its entirety. Pray through this marvelous will aid you in falling in love with God's glory, splendor and beauty all over again. Having done so...filled with His Holy Spirit you will be energized to live a life of passion (devotion, honor, beauty, faithfulness) and perseverance (through the storms the church and our nation is currently facing). Ask God to help you serve Him obediently and faithfully amidst a lost and chaotic culture. My prayer is that you will covenant with God...make a compact with God - that you will live a life consistent with His goodness and grace. May He bless you and enrich your service/ministry!




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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