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The Holy Mariner

A Poem by Nick Falsetti

One man's testimony to the truth. Though not of dates, places, and facts; but of my change of

heart by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. For the love of the Lord has opened my heart to repent

and receive by faith, salvation from the finished work and grace of… Jesus Christ.


By Nick Falsetti

Veer left, veer right, again and again, aimlessly I go, hopelessly lost

No vigor, slack sails, my vessel dead in the water, captive upon the sea

Oh, how I thirst for a sip of cool water to ease my ebbing soul

And a righteous wind to redeem the disgrace of my fallen sails

My life caught in the doldrums as my vessel lies idle, rotting away

Who will rescue me from the deception of my dead reckoning heart

For the hourglass is at hand and with every passing grain of sand

Death waits to swallow up my wayward vessel

In anarchy to God, my mind made feeble and ruled by the chaos within

My soul held hostage by the enemy and a subject of abject poverty

Of no avail are my efforts to free myself of sin, alone I stand condemned

I cry out to Jesus… save me, for His Love has broken my stony heart

And from upon the sea the Holy Mariner has come to me

My vessel boarded and filled by His Holy Spirit

For the blood of Christ now covers my sin

And by the power of the Lord, I have crossed over deaths meridian

Broken now are the chains that held me fast a prisoner to my past life

No longer am I anchored down by the drag of sin and grip of death

Absolved from the record is my guilt, my contempt and shame stricken

My soul emancipated from the dark, I am now a disciple of Christ

Awakened… a sinner redeemed now a saint

Convicted… I sink deep my paddle and pull hard

By Faith… my journey evermore centered upon the Lord

For His Glory… a living testimony

With every paddle stroke I gather in, I gather more, I gather close

The fullness of God's Gift… His Son our Savior, Jesus Christ

The thirst of my soul now quenched by His Holy Spirit

No longer am I alone and lost, but alive with Christ

How once I was a slave to evil, for I was deceived by the lure of the world

Passive to God's Word, I was swayed by the opinion of man and false beliefs

A current of doubt took me on a serpentine journey away from God

My vessel adrift… astray upon the sea without the Light of Christ

Now at my helm and Captain of my vessel is the Holy Mariner

I sail forth solely by His Righteousness, the ransom paid for my deliverance

Vanquished is the hourglass… I am in Christ at God's right hand

The keel of my vessel immersed in streams of living water

Oh, the liberty gained in Christ, how sweet is the taste of this new life

What a joy to be conscious of His Love and tempered in the Truth

Humbled to be reborn a valiant son of God by the finished work of Christ

All my Hope rests in Jesus Victory… He is the ballast for my vessel

The Gospel Truth lives in me for Jesus has freed me of sins tyranny

Immeasurable are the Blessings for the Holy Spirit guards my soul

Forward I go into the cauldron of this world bearing the Good News

And to finish the course set before me… ever enduring in His Grace

Forevermore one of His beloved and to be led by my Messiah, Yeshua

By His Power my sails now billow from His Breath for I am set apart

I rejoice, I sing praises to the King, for I only live from out of His Love

Oh, all Glory, Glory be to Christ… Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen.



More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


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