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Weakness, Not Meekness!

Today's culture needs men to to be weak so that cultural leaders can push their agenda...weak men won't stand in their way, aren't independent thinkers, aren't courageous or in the fight for good against evil!

"Wanted: Young, skinny, wiry fellows - not over eighteen. Must be expert riders, willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred. Wages: $25 per week. Apply, Pony Express Stables St. Joseph, Missouri." These are the words printed on posters across the country advertising that riders were needed for The Pony Express. Tough words for a tough job! Wimps need not apply.

Gentlemen, are you ready to apply? The Pony Express' mission was to deliver mail from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA via a 10-day ride. On this ride you would encounter drastic changes in weather, attacks from Indians, dehydration and more. Weak men would not cut it! I do not believe too many men would cut it today!

Today, because of the softness of our society, men convince themselves they are "in the fight" by playing video games. Perhaps they went from level 4 to level 5! Wow, I wonder how they made it out of their basement or bedroom alive!? Doing anything basic for today's man requires congratulations, pride and attention. Heading out the door to fight the enemy...well, what enemy? These kind of men believe there are no real enemies.

So, you end up with males who say things like, "I'm unafraid." Or, "I'm not afraid of anything." Well, of course they are not afraid...they do not engage in anything that requires cost, sacrifice or danger. It's easy to say, "I'm unafraid" if there is nothing to be afraid of!

You've heard it before...good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Right now we are surrounded by weak men. So, hard times are either already here or on the way...very soon!

Men, we have enemies! Pretending they do not exist is not helpful. There are enemies of that which is good. There are enemies of God. There are enemies of the cross. There are enemies of purity, holiness, repentance and redemption. There are enemies of the gospel. There are enemies of the truth. There are enemies of Christians.

What's at stake? The purity of the gospel. The strength of the church. A culture in chaos. A land that was born on freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to protect oneself and so much more. The devil loves it when you pretend he is not there. He enjoys that so many males believe there is no fight to fight.

Ultimately, Satan desires that you and I believe that this world is a playground. That way you and I focus on how to play on this giant playground we live in. We attempt to get as many toys as possible. We challenge that which would infringe on our "rights" to play when and how we want. We refuse to believe we are under attack. Sometimes we even join in on the fight...with the opposition. In other words, we join them in attacking those who stand for what is right and true. We say they are too strong, too straightforward...not compassionate enough, etc.etc.

Gentlemen, our calling is not to deliver human mail from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA, but to deliver the good news of Jesus Christ. We have been commissioned to warn others of the cost of sinful disobedience to the Lord God. Judgment is coming. Our commitment must be to warn them. Repent...why? For the kingdom of heaven is at hand. That's why! Easy? No. Simple? Yes. But, not easy.

Fighting the good fight of faith requires courage. That is why we need real men to stay the course. Stop pretending there is no fight. Or, that you are exempt from such a fight. Will you join with me in standing for the purity of the gospel? Will you join with me in refusing to buy into the lies of the evil one. We need some real men. Are you ready to sign up?




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


Reflect on God's goodness to you & our nation
Reject Satan's attacks on all that is good
Protect what is true, pure & lovely for future generations

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