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Whatever Happened to Aiming High?

It seems setting high personal standards & measuring progress has become a thing of the past!

"What are your measurables?" "What do you have that is quantifiable?" As an Army Officer I heard questions similar to these many times. Even on evaluation reports - "make sure you put down something measurable." Indeed, leaders must ensure resources are properly managed, personnel are accounted for, etc. Leaders must also ensure that the mission is accomplished. Holding the individual and organization to standards that can be measured against is non-negotiable for any kind of success. Things/Items that are quantifiable are important to helping us measure ourselves against the standards that have been set. And, aiming high for set standards - high standards at that - is essential!

So, what about society? Should our society or culture have some standards? What about personal standards when it comes to our mental, physical and spiritual fitness? Or, perhaps, more importantly - our responsibility to contribute to a healthy culture or society mentally, physically and spiritually?

When we lower cultural standards...we lower the ability to rise above difficult times! If I live by my "own truth" however I see fit I then become subject to my own biases, weaknesses, comforts and unwillingness to grow or mature. In short, I just become enamored with myself. I yield to selfish desires and refuse self-control. I become more and more the detriment of myself and the culture at large! Other people (spouse, parent, children, friend, coworker) all pay the price for my selfish pride.

When someone refuses to accept personal responsibility - he/she has an excuse for everything. Lazy thinking. Being overweight and out of shape. Having love for self vs. love for God and others. Each of these symptoms come from an individual hatred for maturing, growing, adjusting, developing...changing! All because that person (or the culture at large) refuses to evaluate their own lives. Every sin, failure or wrong people flounder in is either renamed or repurposed so that they can call it good (instead of bad) or, of course, blame it on being someone else's fault!

Aiming high should be a priority for us! We should be teaching our children and grandchildren to accept responsibility and live up to the highest of standards. The Apostle Paul said, "Discipline yourselves for the purpose of godliness." Now, that is aiming high! Physical and mental discipline are extremely significant. However, spiritual discipline is the most important of all disciplines. It speaks to our quality of character. It demands that we live lives of integrity. A spiritually disciplined and determined life accepts responsibility for change (repentance, seeking forgiveness, adjusting attitudes and actions).

Refusing to aim high in our quality of living and in setting the standard for ourselves and our culture -results in immaturity, childishness, weakness, being manipulative (and also being easy to manipulate) and more. Subsequently, this leads to an empty life, weak households and a society that has no standards, purpose or direction. This kind of life is both sad and shameful.

What to do?!

First, stop following what is trendy! Falling for whatever the current wind has blown in only shows a lack of strength and conviction. Be a man or woman of conviction. Every human being has a conscience. Listen to your conscience. It is that God-given mechanism that helps you know the difference between right or wrong. Also, within every man and woman is knowledge that there is a God (Romans 1). So, instead of giving in to whatever is popular at the moment - pause and reflect on the fact that you are a created being. You are no accident (Psalm 139).

Once you stop following the trendsetters and pause and reflect - you will discover or rediscover that there is a God and you are not Him. So, look within and be reminded that you were wonderfully created and have a conscience that bears witness to right and wrong. Then look around and be reminded you live in a marvelously created world. God's creation is well-ordered. Since that is true...and you are created in His image - you should live a well-ordered life! Live with purpose and intentionality. Stop with all the trendy junk!

Second, deal with your own sins, failures and weaknesses! Once you realize there is a God and you are not now can acknowledge that you fall short of the standards set by a perfect and holy God. Quit pretending you have not sinned or done anything wrong. Stop blaming others for your failures. Own up to your own junk! The Bible says, "Confess your sins and He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness," 1 John 1:9.

Stop acting as if you hung the moon! You didn't! No matter what your parents or someone in your community told you - you are not Prince, King, Lord, etc.. Don't be lazy in evaluating your own life. Your undisciplined life is dishonoring to those who came before you and more importantly, is dishonoring to God. Living life as if you will not be held accountable is childish behavior. Mature adults do not behave that way.

Sharpen your skills. Become a better servant to others. Give gratitude to God for all your blessings. Give thanks to others who have helped shape, encourage and exhort you. Become a better worker and contributor to others on the team. Understand the necessity of teamwork and your role in it. Develop your gifts and talents in a manner to help you meet the standards of integrity, honesty, humility, loyalty, respect for others and more. In short, recognize that you (against your popular opinion of yourself) have steps to take, pride to remove, people to serve and a standard to uphold. If not, you will just become a "victim" in your own mind.

Third, read and/or listen to those who will challenge and strengthen you! This step is crucial to aiming high and overcoming comfort and complacency. This means that those who are in authority over you and speak the truth with love should be listened to! It should not be a burden to listen and learn! Instead, you should enjoy listening to the wisdom of your pastor, elders, teachers, parents, grandparents, coach, etc.

This, of course, requires humility. Humility involves having a sane estimation of oneself. The Apostle Paul said, "A man ought not to have too high an opinion of himself." Yet, too frequently the attitudes and actions of people today exhibit just the opposite. Instead, it's as if men and women believe they are the center of the universe...and if he/she is the center of the universe - what else is there to learn? They already know it all. Especially, when it comes to teaching/instruction that challenges their beliefs or thoughts about themselves.

Sure, there are plenty of charlatans and false teachers. But, God has placed His people in our lives to teach, instruct, lead, protect, guide and more. There are godly, disciplined leaders who should be listened to. We all need instruction, correction and training. Yes, growing and developing is painful. However, that is God's plan for each of us. He expects us to put aside the sin that tangles us up and look to Him.

So, aim high by refusing to yield to the ways and will of the crowd. Don't give in to what is trending. Instead, embrace timeless truths that transform your life from the inside out. Also, own up to your own failures...stop blaming others. Even worse, stop renaming the bad you do as something good. No matter what spin you put on it...God knows (by the way...many of us know, too). Additionally, after holding yourself accountable to your own attitude and actions - listen and learn from those who will help you grow. For example, pastors who teach the Bible. Teachers who value honesty, integrity, loyalty, courage, selfless service, etc. Coaches who build up the team by upholding the standards...standards of hard work, unity and having a teachable spirit.

It's time to aim high again. Let's stop with the dumbing down of America, our schools, our churches and our culture. We've been given much and guess what? To whom much is given...much is required. Are you holding up to your end of the bargain? Wait...maybe we should ask God and others if you are holding up to your end of the bargain? Self evaluation is hard, but that pain is where we find true gain!

Aim high,




More About Bruce Duty

Bruce has served in the military or ministry his entire adult life. He enlisted in the Air Force following High School and has nearly 9 years as an active duty enlisted service member. Immediately following his initial military service he began serving as a pastor in local churches in Missouri and Florida.


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